

[DIR] Übergeordnetes Verzeichnis / Parent Directory
[DIR] dists/

Hinweis!!! / Hint!!!

      Vorlagen zu fertigen sources.list gibt es hier / Templates for sources.list available here:
und zu fertigen preferences hier / and for preferences here:

Archiv-Signaturschlüssel / Signature key

    Neuer Archiv Key, bitte aktualisieren. / New key, please update.
      Als User mit sudo Rechten / As a user with sudo rights:
      sudo aptitude install oppserver-keyring

      oder / or

      wget http://debian1.oppserver.net/gpg-debian.oppserver.net-signing-pubkey.asc -O - | sudo apt-key add -

      Als root / As root::
      aptitude install oppserver-keyring

      oder / or

      wget http://debian1.oppserver.net/gpg-debian.oppserver.net-signing-pubkey.asc -O - | apt-key add -
$keys) { $path = $base_path . $keys["packages_dir"]; $distpath = $keys["packages_dir"]; if(!isset($keys["arch"])) { $arch = $keys["arch"] ? $keys["arch"] : "i386"; } else { $arch = ""; } if(!isset($keys["arch2"])) { $arch2 = $keys["arch2"] ? $keys["arch2"] : "amd64"; } else { $arch2 = ""; } if(!isset($keys["arch3"])) { $arch3 = $keys["arch3"] ? $keys["arch3"] : "powerpc"; } else { $arch3 = ""; } if(!isset($keys["arch4"])) { $arch4 = $keys["arch4"] ? $keys["arch4"] : "armel"; } else { $arch4 = ""; } if(!isset($keys["arch5"])) { $arch5 = $keys["arch5"] ? $keys["arch5"] : "armhf"; } else { $arch5 = ""; } $sections = explode(",", $keys["sections"]); $changes = $keys["changes_dir"]; $distid = $keys["distid"]; $logs = $base_path . $keys["buildlogs_dir"]; $packages = Array(); $sources = Array(); foreach($sections as $section) { if($arch!="") { array_push($packages , $path . "/" . $section . "/binary-" . $arch . "/Packages.gz"); } if($arch2!="") { array_push($packages , $path . "/" . $section . "/binary-" . $arch2 . "/Packages.gz"); } if($arch3!="") { array_push($packages , $path . "/" . $section . "/binary-" . $arch3 . "/Packages.gz"); } if($arch4!="") { array_push($packages , $path . "/" . $section . "/binary-" . $arch4 . "/Packages.gz"); } if($arch5!="") { array_push($packages , $path . "/" . $section . "/binary-" . $arch5 . "/Packages.gz"); } array_push($sources , $path . "/" . $section . "/source/" . "Sources.gz"); } ?>

Einträge für /etc/apt/sources.list / Entries for /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://debian1.oppserver.net/raspbian/  main non-free contrib
deb-src http://debian1.oppserver.net/raspbian/  main non-free contrib

oder mit folgendem Befehl / or with the following command:

sudo su -c 'echo "deb http://debian1.oppserver.net/raspbian/  main non-free contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppraspbian.sources.list'
sudo su -c 'echo "deb-src http://debian1.oppserver.net/raspbian/  main non-free contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppraspbian.sources.list'
sudo aptitude update

oder als root / or as root:
echo "deb http://debian1.oppserver.net/raspbian/  main non-free contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppraspbian.sources.list
echo "deb-src http://debian1.oppserver.net/raspbian/  main non-free contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppraspbian.sources.list
aptitude update

Hinweis / Hint

Alle bereitgestellten Pakete kommen ohne jegliche Garantie. Ich übernehme keine Haftung für Schäden, die durch die Installation der angebotenen Dateien bzw. Pakete entstehen. Die Installation und die Benutzung dieser Pakete erfolgt auf eigene Gefahr.

All packages are provided without warranty of any kind. I assume no liability for damages caused by the installation of the files and packages i offered. The installation and use of these packages is at own risk.